Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Heelarious Baby High Heels

I just watched a video online of a new product for babies called Heelarious. They are squishy high heels for babies 0-6 months old. Not only were these the ugliest shoes for babies i have ever seen but they are also such a stupid idea. Why are we trying to force little girls in to these gender roles at such a young age. So what is the point of having high heels on a baby that is only a month old and all she can do is eat, sleep and poop? I guess it is just another way for parents to dress their kids up for their own amusement of to save people from any confusion about the babies sex. It's like when a mom will dress the baby girl in pink from head to toe or tape a bow to their head so they are not, heaven forbid, mistaken for a boy. Mothers should not be playing dress up with their infants. If you want to put high heels on something buy a Barbie doll.


deborah said...

Those are some ugly shoes and babies and little girls have little enough time to be young let them alone.

Jamie said...

those are the most ugly shoes i ever seen. what are people thinking. these are babies they are too young to even think about were high heeds like really, girls today are trying to act older then they actually are. and there just going to teach this younger kids to be older. there is too much pressure on girls today, and those shoes do not help.

Lyndsey said...

I agree. This is just another ridiculously exaggerated way for parents to make it "easier" to distinguish the baby's sex. I also agree that those heels are DEFINITELY hideous and I would never put my baby girl in them haha.

There's all this talk about sexualizing girls at younger and younger ages.. Aren't heels supposed to be "sexy"? Even though I do not have much experience with heels (being that I have flat feet & they are really hard for me to walk in), I've always heard that heels are supposed to excentuate the legs of a woman, make her legs look longer, more slim, and to some people SEXIER. So, if this is all true, why do we want our baby's wearing them? I think it's sometimes weird to even see a girl older then her "tweens" wearing heels like those.. much less a child!

Britty said...

HAHA! I love your blog. I saw these on the Morning Show, and they cracked me up. I'm probably one of the very few people who thinks these are cute, but I do agree this is a little much. There is no way I would put these on my 6 month old daughter, let alone a newborn. I also think parents are trying to force girls into these gender roles. It is ridiculous that people are embarrassed to get the sex of a baby wrong (I'm one of these people - I would hate to offend a new parent), but this is going way too far.

Kristenp said...

This is a horrible idea. From an infant we are going to teach girls how to fit the stereotype. I don't think this is a good start for a girl's life. We should not be teaching them to be the stereotypical. Its time to break the stereotpe not force it on newborn babies. Give me a break!

Pretzel001 said...

I agree those heels are pretty ugly. And it is definitely just something for a mother (or even a father) to do to make sure people know the baby is a little girl. The shoe obviously serves no other person because with a shoe that small, the baby can either not walk and if they can, the shoe looked squishy and would probably make the baby trip if they tried to walk in them.

Summer said...

Not only is this completely ridiculous and offensive but it's done right sad.

What is the obession with making young girls (and now infants) GROW UP SO FAST. Can't women atleast once in their lives, escape the ridged box of the female ideal.Do pink shoes make a women? Better yet, if high heels are used to sexualize women...what then are we doing to those babies. Does any of these mother's think of that?

I wish more then anything that we could live in a world where gender wasn't so important. Untill that day I guess things like this will just keep getting made.