Thursday, September 4, 2008

Transgender Woman on America's Next Top Model

Tyra Banks is raising the bar this year on America's Next Top Model by selecting a transgender woman as a contestant. While I feel that this is a positive thing most of her competitors feel otherwise. During the two hour premier some of the girls were put off by the situation using terms like "he/she" and expressing that "she (Isis) has no place in the competition". I really commend Isis for having the courage to come on T.V. and fight for her dream of becoming a model. The only downside to having a transgender contestant on the show is she has already become a spectacle. Every time she is on camera her "situation" is mentioned instead of her talent as a model. I think can only move our society forward in terms of opening our minds to different things. I'm rooting for you Isis and i hope you go far in the competition.


sherina said...

I think that is great that Tyra is showing the world that America's Next Top Model doesn't have to always be the genaric white southern belle from a christian family that was always voted prettiest in school and prom queen. She puts it out there that we now live in a more open world. In some cases, it's almost like society wants to silence transgender or gay or lesbian people for whatever reason but this just lets everyone know, they can't be shoved to the side for long :)

Deborah said...

I think people are more open today than years ago I also believe in not judging people who am I to judge anyone everyone should have freedom of speech and be allowed to express themselves.

Jacquelyn said...

I agree with adding transgender women into competitions and giving them fair representation. They also had a transgender competitor on the VH1 show "I want to work for Diddy" and while he was cast off this show after a challange i think he brought a different look to the show.

Nikori said...

I also agree- this is a positive thing! I was reading an interview with her in some magazine- Us Weekly, I think it may have been- and I really liked her.

I never did watch America's Next Top Model- the model/fashion industry personally makes me want to barf, and adding that to a reality show... bah.

However, didn't last cycle a "plus-size" girl win? Of course, she is the same size I am, so I'm not sure how "plus size" she actually was, but yeah.

And coincidentally, did you know that Marilyn Monroe would be considered a plus-size model if she were alive today?

Huh, really makes you think.

Kelsie F said...

Exactly. What does having a transgender contestant on the show. Its not like it effects her in the competition. She has just as much potential to the other girls. She is a girl, and its true that since people know if the issue, they will probably focus on that fact rather than her talent. Shes over that, she's moved on to something that she believes she can do, and obviously tyra sees something in her to put her on the show. I feel that this has nothing to do with her place in the competition.

Summer said...

When I first heard about a transgender women being on ANTM I couldn't help but let out a squeal. Finally the media and the American public can get a glimpse of beauty in all spectrums. After watching the first episode. I was greatly disappointed in the behavior of the other castmates. I'm always surprised by peoples unwavering ignorance towards those who are different. My only hope is that Iris can open her castmates eyes and the viewing public as well.

Thank you for such an respectful post btw =D

Jamie said...

i think it is great what Tyra is doing. she is opening the doors to more things, and showing the world that it is okay and to not judge people and who they want to be or become. let them express them self's and not to hide from the world because there people just like us that should not be judged.

Britty said...

This is amazing. When I first looked at the picture, I had no idea this was a transgender woman. What an amazing step Tyra has taken.. I like ANTM (the drama is hysterical), but I don't particularly support it. Isis is beautiful, but even portraying a woman she has the same characteristics as that of the media displays.. Tall and thin, great complexion, just like most, but not all of the women on the show. I do hope Isis goes far, though..

AwkwardMorning said...

He may have looked and felt like a woman but he was still a man.

And its good that he got on the show.

I am not against people doing this if it makes them feel better.

But then I feel that regular men should be able to compete to be the NEXT TOP MODEL.

Because how do you define a top model.

Lyndsey said...

I completely agree. I think it is great that a transgender woman was a contestant on America's Next Top Model. But I am also disappointed in the reaction from some of the other contestants on the show in making a mockery of her. They should have thought deeper into the situation and realized what type of message they were sending out to the viewers. They should have supported Isis just as the show did in choosing her. It was definitely a positive thing to have her own this show, especially on such a well-known show based a lot around beauty. It shows that transgender women are beautiful too. =)