After watching the interview with Sarah Palin and Katie Couric I was really disturbed to hear Palin’s views on abortion. I knew she was pro-life but not to this extreme. She believes that even if a woman is raped she should still carry the baby to term and choose adoption. Palin also suggest “counseling” the woman into making the right decision which would ultimately be choosing life. I don’t understand how a woman can be against another woman having control over her own body and choosing for herself. It does not matter if a woman chooses abortion or not the point is, is that she can choose for herself. McCain has said in an interview that Palin is an asset to his campaign because she is a “counterpart to the liberal feminist agenda”, and this is a good thing? What’s the point of having a female in the white house if she does not support woman’s rights? To be the first female vice-presidential candidate she is certainly not doing a good job of supporting her fellow woman.
Well different people have different views. She may be for other kind of women’s rights. Abortion is a touchy subject. Have you ever considered the rights of that child? So women now have the right to choose who lives and who dies.
Abstinence is the best policy for preventing unwanted babies. As they say in the legal world “Don’t do the Crime if you don’t want the time”.
It is horrible to think about having to conceive a baby if you were raped but some people feel why that one life should be extinguished if it had nothing to do with the crime. So they feel that the kid did not do anything wrong other that just exist. Just because the kid exists does it mean that the kid should be killed? That is what you say when you are Pro Choice whether you agree with the statement or not.
I agree women should have the right but in defense of the case for pro life. The unborn child is still a person no matter what stage of development they are in. If you can kill your own child when it still is inside you then why don’t you have the right to kill your children at any time. And there are people that feel strongly about this.
People who are Pro Life feel that all children should have a right to a life that is why it’s Pro LIFE.
People who are Pro Choice feel that it is the women’s right to choose whether the child lives or DIES.
Awkawardmoring it is not about pro choice or pro life. That is just assumptions that people make if you believe in abortion. There are some people who have no plans to have an abortion but believe in that the government does not have the right to tell women what to their own bodies. So to me it is not pro choice or pro life but the right to what you want to your own body
AwkwardMorning said, "Well different people have different views. She may be for other kind of women’s rights."
I just have to disagree. She's really not for women's rights at all.
This is a women who in her state she has women pay for there rape kits for God sake. Worse yet, she's a part of a party that has a history of discrimating against women and trying their best to limt their rights.
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