Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So I was looking for blog ideas and I went to YouTube and accidentally typed in sexiest commercials instead of sexist commercials. And this is what came up.

I have never seen this commercial on television and i can see why. I don't think i even need to say any thing it explains itself.


Pretzel001 said...

Wow...thats ridiculous. That's probably why it was never aired in the U.S. because so much of our stuff is regulated. Comparing a woman to a beer is insane and so degrading. I'm glad it was never aired here because I'd probably get mad/annoyed every time I saw it.

Lauren said...

what's this AD trying to say? By having that type of beer you can have sex with a girl??? and at the end of it, it says "share one with a friend", share what exactly? a girl? this is ridiculous!

Summer said...

Oh wow
That is
whoa something

So not this is women completely objectified by the camera (her body is cut up, so you don't see her face) but she is made into a glorified table for the man's beer.

"Share with a friend"
That’s just a slap in the face
I hope one day they can sell beer without selling women as well.
Oh well that will never happen

AwkwardMorning said...

So no one sees the humor in it. How about a shock commercial?

Also you never see that it’s a woman. It could easily be a guy for all you know. And all you see is a back that’s rocking and a beer with 3 hands that enter.

The mind draws its own conclusions of what’s happening.

Kristenp said...

I read about drinking in "Contemporary Women's Health". Cheryl A Kolander, Danny Ramsey Ballard, and Cynthia A. Chandler say, "Drinking by both men and women greatly increases the chance that sexual relations will occur. When this sexual encounter is forced on a woman by her date or an acquaintance while under the influence of alcohol, it is called date or acquaintance rape. Approximately 72 percent of campus rapes are alcohol-related and usually result in long-lasting negative consequences." I think this commercial promotes sex. Alcohol can cause people to become violent. I think this commercial could influence a man to think he has to drink and have sex to feel like a man. The woman is portrayed as an object. The woman is objectified and this commercial is disgusting. This commercial shows no respect for a woman’s body. It can influence men to be sexually abusive.

just_call_me_juli said...

This video is utterly disgusting, and degrading women. It's some what objectifying women and making them seem like nothing more than a sexual object, and a beer holder. I guess this is proof that sex sells.

Lyndsey said...

This commercial is uphauling. I was sitting here watching it thinking, "what exactly is the point of this?" This is clearly one of the prime examples of objectification of women. The sexual inuendo is atrocious and disgusting. As if it wasn't bad enough having the woman's body cut up (as Summer said) so that you cannot even see her face, clearly she was naked, but then to say "Share with a friend... Or two"!! Ughh.

I think it definitely says something about men that one of the top ways to sell alcoholic beverages to them is through sex. This is an awful commercial & I am so glad it never aired in the United States.